USB Cabels & Ports Color Coding

Why USB Ports Have Different Colors? And What They Mean? #

Anyone who uses a computer nowadays have some sort of USB ports, be it the older USB-A ports, or the newer USB-C port. You may have noticed that these port come in different colors, like black, blue, teal blue, yellow, red and other colors. In this post, we will take a look on what these colors actually mean. For the most part, the color of the USB port indicates the version of the port, but there are few exceptions I will talk about below. Also, please bear in mind while the uses of these colors is common, manufacturers don’t always follow them. Some devices, like USB hubs, have colored usb ports for ornamental purposes. 

Blue USB Port #

This is the conventional color for USB 3.0 port, and one of the main ways to distinguish it from the other ports. Even the cables for that standard are blue. These ports support speed up to 5 Gbit/s, device and cable need to support this speed to benefit from it.

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